'The Storm' BIO: The Storm is about anger. In particular, Autistic meltdowns where I get in a headspace where I can’t control anything. It’s an anxiety-induced nightmare. Throughout the song, I pull back and start going softer dynamically; the softer dynamics are like the eye of the storm when I feel like I have held on to a little bit of sanity.

'The Wolf' BIO: Jackman is a wolf-like German Shepherd with unlimited energy who simply wants to run free. I use my guitar instead of Jackman’s howl in this song to tell his stories. This song is a reincarnation of his perks, quirks and totally unique personality.

'Psychotic Delusions' BIO: As a teenage AuDHDer, sometimes it feels like the world is coming in at me. Psychotic Delusions is a song I wrote to describe what it feels like when my ADHD brain is taking over. Literally, it’s like a kind of psychotic feeling, like two voices are talking to me and telling me what to do.
'Pups at Work' BIO: Pups at Work is a song about training my assistance dog Eddie. The progressive rock feel represents the unpredictability of training a pup. According to my pup, it is ‘dog training but on my human’s guitar’.
'Convergence' BIO: I am Autistic, so have difficulty expressing my own emotions. Music lets me express myself in ways I can’t through words, like a light guiding me through a dark path. I called this song Convergence because it shows my emotions and my guitar coming together in a song that helped me express how I feel. So naturally, there is a lot of variation in this song, but the parts just fit like a jigsaw puzzle.